Monday, October 31, 2011

11/8 TEF Event: Breaking into Investment Banking

Date: Tues, Nov 8
Time: 6:30-7:30pm
Place: CBA 4.344

On Tuesday, November 8th, the Texas Energy Forum is hosting a careers and interviewing panel of senior McCombs students with internship experience in energy investment banking. Students will discuss how to successfully navigate the rigorous recruiting and interview process and provide straightforward advice on how to land positions at energy investment banks. Food and drinks will be provided, and the meeting is open to all McCombs students. For more information about the event, check back to our blog the week of the event.

(11/3) UTES Lecture: “International Coal Markets: Coal, Climate, and China”

Thurs – Nov. 3, 5-6:30pm: UTES Lecture “International Coal Markets: Coal, Climate, and China”

10/27: UTES Lecture Series: "International Coal Markets: Coal, Climate, and China" 5-6:15pm

"International Coal Markets: Coal, Climate, and China"
Richard Morse
(Director, Coal and CCS Research, Program on Energy, Stanford) 

November 3rd, 5:15-6:15pm

Open to all. Refreshments served at 5:00pm
Please settle in by 5:10pm

11/1 - Credit Suisse Investment Banking Information Session

Credit Suisse will be on campus Tuesday, November 1.  Please feel free to let all of your members know about the event.  This will be a great opportunity to learn more about careers in Investment Banking and to network with Credit Suisse professionals. 

One you - One Credit Suisse - One critical component
Credit Suisse
Please join us for the Credit Suisse Investment Banking Information Session on Tuesday, November 1st. This will be a great opportunity to learn more about careers in Investment Banking and to network with Credit Suisse professionals .
Time: 5:45 PM - 7:00 PM
Date: November 1, 2011
Location: AT&T Conference Center - Salon A & B
Dress Code: Business Casual
Audience: Juniors/Class of 2013

REMINDER: ConocoPhillips Spirit Scholarship 10/31

The deadline is fast-approaching for the ConocoPhillips Spirit Scholarship program here at UT-Austin!  You can access the application through the link provided below…this is a fantastic opportunity, and one I would encourage you to look into.

Again, the deadline is fast-approaching, so do not delay!

Scholarship Opportunity!             

The ConocoPhillips SPIRIT Scholars Program offers
a unique set of enrichment and professional opportunities for students interested in careers in the energy industry, plus
$5,000 in scholarship funds per year!

Engineering, Business, Geosciences and Computer Science
students are all eligible!


Download the Application Online: 

All applications are due October 31, 2011 

To apply you must have a minimum UT GPA of 3.25 and enjoy participating in leadership activities throughout the year.  Students admitted to the program are awarded $2,500 per semester, with the opportunity for continued participation and awards each semester leading to graduation. 

For more information, contact Alejandra Bernal, SPIRIT Scholars Coordinator, at

Monday, October 24, 2011

10/27: UTES Lecture Series: "Solving the Climate Problem at Scale" 5-6:15pm

The next presentation in the UT Energy Symposium's Lecture Series will be:

Solving the Climate Problem at Scale: An Environmentalist’s Perspective
Armond Cohen
(Executive Director, Clean Air Task Force)

27 October, 5:15-6:15pm

Open to all. Refreshments served at 5:00pm
Please settle in by 5:10pm

Speaker Bio:
Armond is co-founder and Executive Director of the Clean Air Task Force (CATF), a nonprofit organization dedicated to reducing atmospheric pollution and commercializing innovative clean energy technology.
Armond has co-led two studies of US energy innovation policy with the Center for Science, Policy and Outcomes, “Innovation Policy for Climate Change” (September 2009) and “Four Policy Principles for Energy Innovation and Climate Change: A Synthesis” (June 2010) and is lead author of "’NowGen’: Getting Real about Coal Carbon Capture and Sequestration” (The Electricity Journal, 2009).  He is an honors graduate of Harvard Law School and Brown University, and is a member of the US EPA Clean Air Act Advisory Committee, the Keystone Energy Board, the founding board of the Institute for Gas Drilling Excellence, and served on the Policy Subgroup of the recent National Petroleum Council 2011 study, “Prudent Development – Realizing the Potential of North America’s Abundant Natural Gas and Oil Resources.

10/25: Texas Energy Forum Hosts DrillingInfo, Discussion on Unconventional Risk, 6:30-7:30pm


Drillinginfo - Unconventional Risk

Financing the unconventional natural gas boom in the U.S.
A conversation with DI co-founder, Mark Nibbelink
Can operations thousands of feet underground be run with the control of a manufacturing process? If not, are the risks with which we evaluate related financing decisions understated?

Tuesday, 10/25
6:30PM - 7:30PM
UTC 4.344
Come early to get a spot!
Free Pizza and Drinks!

Check out Mark's blog posting about our meeting on his website here

These are questions YOU will need to understand as a member of the energy industry or investment community. Give yourself a head-start on your career by getting familiar with the technology and assumptions used by energy professionals.
Get valuable industry insight from Mark Nibbelink, a founder of Drillinginfo - one of the most widely used and trusted sources of information in the energy industry.
Drillinginfo is a key part of the value chain in the E&P industry:
  • 80% of U.S. Oil & Gas Production
  • 2900 Named Subscribers
  • 10,000+ Users

10/24 - LAC Speaker Series: James Mulva, CEO ConocoPhillips, 6-7PM SSW 2.2106

“Liberal Arts Council Speaker Series,” interview with James Mulva, chairman and CEO of ConocoPhillips.

Mon, October 24, 2011 • 6:00 PM - 7:00 PM • School of Social Work Building (SSW) Room 2.106.

“Liberal Arts Council Speaker Series,” interview with James Mulva, chairman and CEO of ConocoPhillips.

When: Monday, Oct. 24, 6-7 p.m.

Where: The University of Texas at Austin, School of Social Work Building (SSW) Room 2.106.

Background: “Liberal Arts Council Speaker Series” brings The University of Texas at Austin’s most notable alumni back to the university so they may share their experiences from during and after their education.  These alumni provide valuable advice to students about how to use their education to the fullest in order to be successful.  The format of the event is an informal interview followed by a Q&A session at which time the audience may ask questions.

Speaker: James Mulva is one of the most distinguished and successful College of Liberal Arts alumnus, heading the third largest integrated oil company in the United States since 2002. He graduated from the university in 1968 with a bachelor's degree and a master's degree in business administration finance in 1969 where he was part of the Naval ROTC program. Mulva currently serves as a director for General Electric. He also is a member of The Business Council, as well as the Board of Visitors for the M.D. Anderson Cancer Center in Houston.

Free and open to the public.
Liberal Arts Council:  P: 281-630-8667

Monday, October 17, 2011

10/20 UT Energy Symposium Lecture: International Mechanisms for Climate Change Finance

International Mechanisms for Climate Change Finance

Presented by Gevorg Sargsyan, Program Coordinator, Climate Investment Funds, World Bank

October 20th , 5:15-6:15pm


Open to all. Refreshments served at 5:00pm
Please settle in by 5:10pm

On Thursday, October 20th, the UTES Lecture Series continues with a discussion led by Gevorg Sargsyan, on the topic of international policies and tools for financing some of the world's biggest climate change ideas. 

Speaker Bio:
Gevorg Sargsyan has been with the World Bank for 11 years, where he has led the Bank's energy work in Eastern Europe, Central Asia and South Asia.  Since 2010 Gevorg has led the Clean Investment Funds (Clean Technology Fund (CTF) and Scaling Up Renewable Energy Program (SREP)) at the World Bank, and is overseeing investment program of over $2 billion.

Gevorg has a MS in applied mathematics from the Yerevan State University.  He did his postgraduate study in Financial Economics at the Institute of Economy of Armenian National Academy of Science combined with research at the UC, Berkeley.

Next Talk:
27 October, “Solving the Climate Problem at Scale: An Environmentalist’s Perspective”
    Speaker: Armond Cohen, Executive Director, Clean Air Task Force

10/19 - EMIC's Natural Gas and Unconventional Hydrocarbons Conference 1-5PM

On Wednesday, October 19th, the McCombs Energy Management and Innovation Center (EMIC) will be hosting the Natural Gas Use in Texas and Unconventional Hydrocarbon Production Conference at the AT&T Center. The event will be from 1-5pm, and speakers from the University of Texas's various research groups and from companies such as JP Morgan's Natural Resources Investment Banking Division, Austin Energy, & El Paso.

Space is very limited, so if you are interested in attending, you need to register here. 

For more information on the event, you can check out the post on the TEF blog at this link.
Also, the EMIC also has additional information on the conference here.

10/18 - Net Impact hosts Pro Energy Consultants

The Texas Energy Forum is promoting Net Impact's next general meeting on Tuesday, October 18th.

Kirk Van Roekel, owner of Pro Energy Consultants based out of Austin, TX, will be speaking on his company's history and innovative practices. The meeting will be held in CBA 4.344 at 6:00pm-7:00pm and there will be free food!

For more information on ProEnergy Consultants, their website is here:
For more information on Net Impact Undergrad at UT, their website is here:

Thursday, October 13, 2011

Wednesday, Oct. 19th: Natural Gas & Unconventional Hydrocarbons Conference , hosted by the EMIC of McCombs


REGISTER NOW at this LINK: Register Here

Natural gas is a relatively abundant, domestic fuel that is clean at its end-use. If natural gas can be produced in a way that is compatible with society’s environmental objectives, and if the latest resource estimates are accurate, then natural gas represents an important part of the fuel mix. This one-day event discusses the feasibility of increased usage of natural gas in the power, transportation and residential sectors in place of more carbon-intensive fuels.

All events take place at the AT&T Center, 1900 University Avenue, Austin, Texas 78705
NATURAL GAS IN POWER, TRANSPORTATION AND RESIDENTIAL SECTORSAmphitheater, Room 204Fred Beach,  Postdoctoral Fellow in the Center for International Energy and Environmental Policy and the Webber Energy Group
Ramon Alvarez, Senior Scientist, Environmental Defense Fund
QUESTION AND ANSWER SESSIONAmphitheater, Room 204Michael Webber, Associate Director,
Center for International Energy and Environmental Policy

Moderated by: Rebecca Klein, Chairman, Power Across Texas
Panel: Laura Huffman, Executive Director, The Nature Conservancy
Cheryl Mele, Chief Operating Officer, Austin Energy
Kyle Sawyer, Manager, El Paso Corporation
Ron Zboril, Natural Resources Investment Banking, JPMorgan

Chip Groat, Associate Director, The Energy Institute

CLOSING REMARKS Amphitheater, Room 204Rick Smead, Director, Navigant Consulting
5:00pmRECEPTIONInterior Courtyard
Hosted by: Cockrell School of Engineering's Webber Energy Group, McCombs School of Business' Energy Management and Innovation Center, and the Energy Institute  

Wednesday, October 12, 2011

(10/13) Green Energy: Economic Savior or Economic Suicide?: A Debate 8-10 p.m, Hogg Building (WCH1.120)

"Green Energy: Economic Savior or Economic Suicide": The University of Texas Objectivism Society hosts a debate between Alex Epstein of the Center for Industrial Progress and Ryan Rittenhouse of Greenpeace.

On October 13, energy experts from Greenpeace and the Center for Industrial Progress will go head-to-head in a debate on the question: ”Green Energy: Economic Savior or Economic Suicide”? The event, which will be hosted by The University of Texas Objectivism Society and sponsored by CFACT – Collegians for a Constructive Tomorrow, will be held in the William C. Hogg building, room 1.120 on the UT Austin campus at 8 pm CT. It will also be broadcast live on the Internet via Livestream.
Representing Greenpeace will be Ryan Rittenhouse, a prominent anti-coal advocate and Greenpeace’s Austin Field Representative. Representing the Center for Industrial Progress will be Alex Epstein, the Center’s Director and a widely-published free-market energy writer whose work has appeared in The Wall Street Journal, Forbes, and Investor’s Business Daily.
Epstein and Rittenhouse will debate all things energy, with a focus on energy, energy policy and "green energy." This event is expected to have attendees from both Greenpeace and the local Objectivist community. It will be live streamed, in addition to being professionally filmed for distribution.

Hogg Building (WCH), 1.120
UT Objectivisim Society

(10/13) UTES: Wind vs. Gas Generation: Evidence from Texas, 5:15-6:15pm, Welch Hall (WEL 2.308)

Wind Generation Development and Incentive for Dispatchable Thermal Generation Investment  
C.K. Woo
(Senior Partner, Energy+Environmental Economics)

13 October, 5:15-6:15pm

Open to all. Refreshments served at 5:00pm
Please settle in by 5:10pm

Speaker Bio:
C.K. Woo is a Senior Partner of E3, an energy economics consulting firm in San Francisco. With 30 years of industry experience, he has published over 100 refereed articles on applied microeconomics, applied finance, and energy economics.

He is an associate editor of Energy; a member of the editorial board of The Energy Journal; and a guest editor of a 2011 special issue on renewable energy for Energy Policy.

Next Talk:
20 October, “International Mechanisms for Climate Change Finance”
    Speaker: Gevorg Sargsyan, Program Coordinator, Climate Investment Funds, World Bank

Previous Talks:
For slides/videos of previous UTES talks go to this link.

UT Energy Symposium (UTES)

1 Sep – 17 Nov, Every Thursday, 5:15-6:15pm