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What the Characteristics of Wind and Solar Electric Power Production Mean for Their Future
Dr. Jay Apt
(Professor of Technology, Tepper School of Business, Carnegie Mellon University)
Thu, March 1, 5:15-6:15pm
Open to all. Refreshments served at 5:00pm
Please settle in by 5:10pm
Speaker Bio:
A former American astronaut, Jay Apt is Executive Director of the Carnegie Mellon Electricity Industry Center at Carnegie Mellon University’s Tepper School of Business and the CMU Department of Engineering and Public Policy, where he is a Distinguished Service Professor. He received an A.B. from Harvard College in 1971 and a Ph.D. in experimental atomic physics from the Massachusetts Institute of Technology in 1976. His research, teaching and consulting interests are in economics, engineering, and public policy aspects of the electricity industry, economics of technical innovation, management of technical enterprises, risk management in policy and technical decision framing, and engineering systems design. He received the Metcalf Lifetime Achievement Award for significant contributions to engineering in 2002 and the National Aeronautics and Space Administration’s Distinguished Service Medal in 1997.
Next Talk:
8 March, 5:15-6:15pm, MEZES HALL (MEZ) 1.306
“National Oil Companies: Fueling Anxiety”
Speaker: Dr. Mark Thurber, Associate Director for Research, Program on Energy and Sustainable Development, Stanford University
Previous Talks:
For slides/videos of previous UTES talks go to this link.