Saturday, November 10, 2012

11/12 - Swith, documentry about our energy future

What: Free screening of the film Switch, a documentary about our energy future, followed by a Q&A with Scott Tinker, director of the Bureau of Economic Geology
When: Monday, November 12, 7:00-9:00 pm
Where: Student Activity Center Auditorium (SAC 1.402)

Come early for free pizza at 6:30pm in the Jackson Geosciences Building Student Center, across the east mall from the Student Activity Center.

Background: In 2009, documentary filmmaker Harry Lynch and geologist Dr. Scott Tinker set out to make a film on our transition from the current fossil fuel dominated energy system to a more diversified system. The goal was not to advocate for one technology over another, not to suggest how the transition should happen -- but to try to determine how it actually would happen, based on scientifically-sound investigation and the practical realities of the world of energy as we discovered them. The result, is Switch.

The event, which is free and open to public, is sponsored by the Jackson School of Geosciences and the Austin Geological Society.

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