Monday, February 6, 2012

2/7 Texas Enterprise Speaker Scott Tinker: What's the Future of Energy?

Texas Enterprise Speaker Series

Who:Open to the publicScott Tinker
When:Tuesday, Feb. 7, 11:30 a.m.-1 p.m.
Where:AT&T Executive Education & Conference Center
Room 203
1900 University Ave.
Austin, TX 78705
Cost:$20. Includes box lunch. Walk-ups are welcome on a space available basis with a limited number of lunches available for purchase.

Energy.  It's the most important commodity in the world and affects every aspect of our lives.  The energy industry is in vast transition from using oil and coal resources to new alternatives. But not much is known or understood by the public about what the alternative resources are or what it will take to make the transition.  To make smarter decisions about energy, about our global future, we must be better informed.
Please join us on Tuesday, February 7, as Dr. Scott Tinker explores the future of energy, showing segments from his not-yet-released documentary, "Switch."  Dr. Tinker goes inside the world’s premiere energy sites for all resources, most of them highly restricted, and talks to leaders in government, industry and academia, exploring the world of energy with a balanced, non-political perspective.
He also answers these vital questions: If coal is dirty, why do we keep using it? Can we really clean it up? Will oil get too expensive? Will it run out? How quickly will we adopt alternatives? Which ones? How risky is hydraulic fracturing? How dangerous is nuclear energy? What are the biggest challenges, and best solutions, to our energy transition? What can each of us do?
Dr. Scott Tinker, Director of the Bureau of Economic Geology, Professor of Geosciences, and renowned energy lecturer.
Scott Tinker's passion is education. Toward this end, Scott is actively engaged in building bridges between academia, industry, and government. Scott weaves energy, the environment, and the economy into his talks, in which he envisions a very challenging, but positive, global future. In visiting more than 45 countries and numerous cities in the United States, Scott has given more than 400 invited and keynote lectures. His latest educational project is a major documentary film on global energy.

It is from these experiences and passions that Dr. Tinker has developed a vision for America's energy future. He concludes that energy security—available, affordable, reliable, and environmentally sustainable—must drive energy policy and that efficiency and diversity are key elements to long-term energy security. Ultimately, energy security requires a reasoned balance among energy, environment, and the economy.

Dr. Tinker worked in the oil and gas industry for 17 years in research, exploration and development, prior to coming to The University of Texas at Austin in 2000. Tinker has been a licensed professional geoscientist in Texas since 2003. He is very active in professional organizations and societies and is the past President of the American Association of Petroleum Geologists and the Association of American State Geologists. He will serve as President of the Gulf Coast Association of Geological Societies in 2012. Dr. Tinker also holds appointments to the National Petroleum Council and the Interstate Oil and Gas Compact Commission, and he currently serves on several private, university, and professional boards.

Dr. Tinker is the Director of the Bureau of Economic Geology (BEG) and the Director of the Advanced Energy Consortium. He is also the acting Associate Dean for Research, and he holds the Allday Endowed Chair in the Jackson School of Geosciences at The University of Texas at Austin. He graduated magna cum laude with a Bachelor of Science degree and majors in Geology and Business Administration from Trinity University. He received his Master of Science degree in geology from the University of Michigan and his Ph.D. in geosciences from the University of Colorado.
Online pre-registration is closed. Walk-ins are welcome to register at the door, but only a limited number of box lunches will be available for purchase.

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